
What is data management – to show your friend

In conversations, inevitably the question arises “What do you do for work?” My usual reply “I’m a data management consultant” is typically met with follow up questions like “Oh, what is data management? …

What is data management – to show your colleague

In this more in depth, but still a summary, Info-graphic video an explanation will be given to explain what different knowledge areas are part of the DAMA DMBOK framework 1.0…

Data management is fun

Ever heard anyone tell you that Data Management is BORING! Or any other equivalent? How about we make it a little bit more FUN!…

data mesh architecture

I got the question if I knew what data mesh architecture was… and to be honest, I never heard of it. I searched the web…

data modeling

When a program manager is not really into data modeling, but does want to get an idea what…

data management flyers

Creating common ground on what is thought to be implemented and spread awareness…

data management awareness

Summarizing the content of an e-learning training on data management awareness…

Logo – the making of

What to do when you miss a logo? Design one…

The steps in data management

We want to become a data-driven organization: A common scenario. …

“…Excellent, we were looking for knowledge and experience with Data Management and Denise absolutely has that. Also complemented by knowledge and experience in developing and delivering training!…”

Max Kloosterman